Chairs: Figen Ayhan, Yeşim Bakar, Aleksandra Rownaya
Upper extremity Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) general principles-experiences - Etelka Foeldi
Upper extremity MLD - Aleksandra Rownaya
Axillary web syndrome management - Sibel Ünsal Delialioğlu
Upper extremity multilayer bandaging - Aleksandra Rownaya
Compression garments for upper extremity lymphedema - Figen Ayhan
Exercises for upper extremity lymphedema - Yeşim Bakar

Chairs: Oya Özdemir, Nilüfer Kablan, Guido De Filippo
Lower extremity Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) general principles - Oya Özdemir
Lower Exstremity Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Nilüfer Kablan, Jeanette Zucker
Compression garments for lower extremity lymphedema - Nilüfer Kablan
Lower extremity multilayer bandaging - Nilüfer Kablan, Jeanette Zucker
Exercises for lower extremity lymphedema - Ayşegül Yaman

Chairs: Pınar Borman, Giovanni Moneta, Steve Norton
Genital lymphedema Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) general principles - Pınar Borman
The schemes of Manual Lymphatic Drainage tailored on each patients - Giovanni Moneta
Genital Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Steve Norton
Exercises for genital lymphedema - Giovanni Moneta
Genital bandaging - Steve Norton, Mine Şimşek
Compression garments for genital lymphedema - Giovanni Moneta

Chairs: Lale Cerrahoğlu, Figen Ayhan Duygu Geler Külcü
General principles of kinesio taping - Pınar Borman
Kinesio taping for upper extremity lymphedema - Meltem Vural
Kinesio taping for lower extremity lymphedema - Figen Ayhan
Kinesio taping for musculoskeletal problems in breast cancer-related lymphedema - Duygu Geler Külcü

Chairs: Christine Moffatt, Hakan Uncu
General approach to wound care in lymphedema - Christine Moffatt
Lymphatic ulcers and treatment - Alberto Maccio
Venous ulcers and treatment - Hakan Uncu
Wound dressings - Gaye Filinte

Ultrasound physics and general principles - Demirhan Dıraçoğlu
Ultrasonographical evaluation of normal skin and subcutis - Zeliha Ünlü
The role of ultrasonography in lymphedema diagnosis and treatment follow-up - Alberto Onorato
The role of ultrasonography in lipedema diagnosis and treatment follow-up - Burcu Duyur Çakıt
Ultrasound imaging of shoulder pathologies in breast cancer related lymphedema - İlker Yağcı

Chairs: Francesco Boccardo, Hakan Brorson
Lymphatic-venous by-pass surgery at the obstruction site - Sara Dessalvi
LY.M.P.H.A. preventive surgical technique - Francesco Boccardo
Lymphatico-venular peripheral subdermal anastomoses - Sarah Thomis
Lymph nodal transplants - Corinne Becker
Liposuction after CDT - Hakan Brorson
Liposuction after CDT + microsurgery - Corrado Campisi
Postoperative Conservative Treatment of lymphedema - Karin Ohlin

Chairs: Hakan Brorson, Corrado Campisi, Cenk Demirdöver
Lymph vessel sparing US assisted liposuction - Corrado Campisi
Liposuction of Lipoedema: The Swedish Perspective - Liss Anders
Case Series in lipedema surgery - Ali Rıza Erçöçen
Lipedema and lipo-lymphedema: different approaches to maximize the final outcome? - Corrado Campisi

Chairs: Evrim Coşkun Çelik, Arun Gogia
General Approach and New technologies in Self Management of Lymphedema - Evrim Coşkun Çelik
Self Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) for Upper & Lower Extremity Lyphedema - Seçil Vural
Self Bandaging - Arun Gogia
Exercises for upper Extremity Lymphedema - Sefa Gümrük
Exercises for lower Extremity Lymphedema - Ayça Utkan Karasu

Chairs: Pınar Borman, Mohammed Shafi
Head and neck Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) general principles - Pınar Borman
Head and neck Manual Lymphatic Drainage( MLD) - Mohammed Shafi
Exercises for head and neck lymphedema - Jane Wigg
Head and neck bandaging - Mohammed Shafi
Compression garments for head and neck lymphedema - Jane Wigg

Chairs: A.Kürşat Bozkurt, Suat Doğancı, Dilek Erer, H. Tankut Akay
Nonthermal ablation for Venous insufficiency- A. Kürşat Bozkurt
Thermal ablation for Venous insufficiency – Dilek Erer
Pharmacomechanical for acute DVT – Mustafa Şırlak
Venous Stenting – Indications and pitfalls –Suat Doğancı
Sclerotherapy- Technical considerations - Erdal Aslım
Case presentations for venous insufficiency and DVT

Dynamic testing of the physiology of the superficial lymphatic collectors - Jean Paul Belgrado
Clinical cases of primary and secondary lymphoedema observed under the eyes of ICG lymphography - Jean Paul
ICG lymphography during MLD, elastic stocking, under water and various compression systems - Jean Paul Belgrado

Quality of data from different pressure measurement instruments - Jean Paul Belgrado
Importance of proper positioning of pressure sensors under different compression systems - Jean Paul Belgrado
Analysis of different pressure profiles in decubitus, orthostatic and active positions - Jean Paul Belgrado
Hands-on examination of pressure profile under different compression systems - Jean Paul Belgrado